Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rule 2: Prepare and Practice

RULE 2: Prepare, Practice and Practice More!

Remember how Mom told you that you only have one chance to make a good first impression? Well, at a trade show, you are going to make a lot of first, second and third impressions, some in the booth, some in the hallway and more at the bar and in restaurants. At this late date, you should be preparing yourself mentally and physically.
Prepare a list of three to five open-ended questions to engage visitors as they near and enter your booth.
Skip the, “How are you enjoying the show” and “Can I help you” questions.
The same questions work in taxi lines, check-in lines and yes, even at the bar.
Practice shaking hands and asking your questions. “Why shake hands?” you ask. Shaking hands physically draws you and the prospect closer and when combined with your open-ended questions, if performed well, you will be sure to fully engage a greater number of prospects.

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